Abhinav IT Solutions Pvt Ltd 应用

My Palika 2.5.6
My Palika is an app giving details of your Nagar Palika or alsocalled Nagar Nigam. Muncipal council is a self governing bodyworking for "Public" of a city.
Needly Bachat Gat 2.0.7
Needly Bachat Gat is for maintaining Bachat Gat details
myCt 8.8
MyCT app is promoted by Khandesh Chamber of Commerce for thebenefit of all businessman and customer. MyCT is a mobile directoryof all Taluka places including businesses at village level also. Itis supported and maintained by all businessman, professional,service providers.
eZeeClass 2.86
Easy Institute And Class Management Software
My Panchayat App 4.4.5
This will provide all information about Panchayat Samities inIndia.
True Voter 5.8.7
State Election Commision helper Application for Voters, Officersand Candidates
Ezee App - Child Safety, test & learning app 4.07
Welcome to eZee Test....! An Exam-prep and Evaluation appforAndroid. The eZeeTest Exam preparation App issystematicallydesigned for Class 8th, 9th, & 10th students ofMaharashtraState Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education[MSBSHSE].The Easy Test App helps the students to evaluate theirlearnings,achieve the targeted practice, manage time efficiently,and earncompetent skills necessary to pass the MaharashtraEducation BoardTest. The Easy App is user-friendly and interactivein such a waythat the parents and teachers of the students are ableto track andanalyze the progress. Key Features:- 1. Maharashtra SSCBoardQuestion Papers pdf 2. Online Test Series - Class 8, 9 and 103.Practice Test Questions - Class 8, 9 and 10 4. Mock Test Papers-Class 8, 9 and 10 5. Free Online Mock Test, Practice Test,andAptitude Tests 6. Custom-made Practice Questions 7. SSCPracticeTest and Test Series 8. Personal Report 9. Day Special 10.GoodThoughts 11. Exam Time-Table 12. Video:- (Parents meeting,Classactivity, Gathering, Students Program) 13. ScholarshipQuestionPaper – Class 5, 8 Key Points:- The EzeeTest EducationalAppcomprises of about 3,00,000 questions, 70,000 total tests, andiscounting more. In this easy to use the app, we have focusedandcovered the test/practice papers chapter-wise as pertheMaharashtra State Board syllabus. The learning helps thestudentsto compete at the district and state levels moreconfidently. Weensure that you will love this app which helps youachieve academicexcellence via free online mock test, test seriesfor SSC exam, SSCmock test, SSC practice test papers, online testfor classes 8, 9& 10, and, aptitude test papers. Moreover, wehave covered allthe mentioned online test series in Marathi, Urdu,& Englishlanguages. Further, we launch free test papers on thesecond andfourth Saturday of every month. If you are looking forpracticingtest series online, then EzeeTest App is for YOU!EzeeTest App forScholarship: This 5th & 8th standardScholarship app is veryuseful for students. It's very attractive,interactive, innovativeand joyful. here you can practice MCQ Test,Question papers and itgives you a chance to create your own test.Near about 70,000questions are included in it for real and betterpractice. EzeeTestApp for Students: The EzeeTest App isstudent-friendly withsecurity features. The Maharashtra SSC Testseries discussed herecould be navigated easily by the students. Thestudents are able tochoose the tests they would like to attempt,utilize the hints andsolutions, and solve the papers. Further, theymay use the samplepaper for 8th, 9th or 10th, track their progressreport and checkLeaderboard for Top Performers. EzeeTest App forParents: TheEzeeTest Revision App has parents control settings. Theparents areable to scrutinize their child’s Test series by trackingandanalyzing the test paper report in real-time. Moreover, theyareable to interact with their respective subject teachers, viewtheircomments directly, and gain real-time course gradenotifications ontheir mobile. EzeeTest App for Teachers: TheEzeeTest Study Appcomes with Teacher's control settings too. Thesubject teachers areable to view and compile their student’sprogress report as thedigital portfolio. They are able to analyzetest attempts and thetime taken by the students. It helps thestudents to be competentin achieving their academic excellence. Itdemonstrates the actualexams and prepares them to get accustomed toattending every aspectof the upcoming Maharashtra SSC Board Exams.And, at the same time,they are connected with their parents andteachers in real-time.This Online Easy Test App is brought to youby Abhinav IT SolutionsPvt. Ltd., Pune. If you have any queries orlike to send usfeedback, please email us at:contact@abhinavitsolutions.com
eZee Forms 3.13
Creating online/offline surveys, Creating dynamic forms
Needly-Whatsapp Telegram Auto Reply & Online Order 2.36
Needly is a free and easy to use app that monitors employee’sworkand salaries where one can keep a record of the attendance ofalltheir employees. This app can be used at any level from managertoshopkeepers. Employee management: one can easily manage alltypesof salaries of their employees in digital form, and alsorecordtheir working hours. Appointments and location: One canfindlocations of any professionals like doctors, and bookanappointment Notification: This feature works as a reminder.Myorder: Users can place orders by contacting any shopkeeper.Sellerscan see those orders in the “my order” section and canaccept orreject them. Backup plan: if the data is accidentallydeleted, onecan get that data back using the backup plan feature.AdvancePayments: Payments can be made through UPI, debit/credit, orjustby entering the bank account number. Manpower: Weoutsourcemanpower and HR management services. Manage papers:appoint hawkersand distributors for managing papers. Online bookinghistory:shopkeepers can keeper of their orders with every possibledetailmentioned in the record. Needly ॲप एक फ्री ॲप है जो कर्मचारीके कामऔर वेतन को मॅनेज करता है जहां आप अपने सभी कर्मचारियों कीउपस्थितिका रेकॉर्ड रख सकते हैं। कर्मचारी नियोजन: कोई भी अपनेकर्मचारियों केसभी प्रकार के वेतन को डिजिटल रूप में आसानी से नियोजनकर सकता है, औरउनके काम के घंटे भी रिकॉर्ड कर सकता है। अपॉइंटमेंट्सऔर लोकेशन: कोईभी डॉक्टरों जैसे किसी भी प्रोफेशनल्स के स्थान पा सकताहै, और एकअपॉइंटमेंट बुक कर सकता है नोटिफिकेशन्स: यह सुविधा आपकोआपकेअपॉइंटमेंट्स याद दिलाता है नोटिफिकेशन्स के द्वारे।ऑर्डर्स:उपयोगकर्ता किसी भी दुकानदार से संपर्क करके आर्डर दे सकतेहैं।विक्रेता उन ऑर्डर्स को "My ऑर्डर्स" में देख सकते हैं औरउन्हेंस्वीकार या रिजेक्ट कर सकते हैं। डेटा बैकअप: अगर आप अपने डेटाको हटादेते हैं, तो बैकअप योजना की मदत से वो डाटा फिर से पा सकते हैअपनेफ़ोन मैं। एडवांस पेमेंट्स: Needly app पेमेंट के तरीकों को आसानबनाताहै। यूपीआई, डेबिट / क्रेडिट या सिर्फ बैंक अकाउंट नंबर डालकरपेमेंटकर किसी भी माध्यम से पेमेंट कर सकते है। मैन पावर: हम मैनपावरऔर hrमैनेजमेंट सर्विसेस को आउटसोर्स करते हैं। कागजात प्रबंधितकरें:कागजात के मैनेज करने के लिए फेरीवाले और वितरकों को नियुक्तकरें।ऑनलाइन बुकिंग हिस्ट्री: दुकानदार रिकॉर्ड में उल्लेख कर सकते हैहरसंभव डिटेल के साथ उनके ऑर्डर्स को सेव कर सकते हैं |